
Habayta – conversion courses in a family atmosphere.

Have you always felt drawn to the story of the Jewish people?

This is your opportunity to join an Orthodox conversion setting in a different atmosphere. This does not mean we cut corners; it does not mean that it’s going to be easy – but you will get to study in a different, embracing atmosphere, with a community that supports your process, in a hands-on, tolerant and approachable way. Our conversion course is recognized by the government, operating on behalf of the Conversion Division in the Prime Minister’s Office, and overseen by the Chief Rabbinate.

The studies cover all topics related to conversion to Judaism and connection to the Jewish people. Classes are held all over Israel with teachers who speak various languages. Our activities includes tours, fun happenings and community Shabbats. Would you like to undergo a meaningful conversion process right where you live? Looking to convert in a different atmosphere, with personal attention and people from similar backgrounds? Now you can ‘come home’ with Habayta. Sign up for one of our courses in a town close to you.

A supporting community throughout the process

Hands-on studying (not just theory)

A tolerant and inclusive conversion

Thorough studies supported by the rabbinate

Nathan Dvir
Conversion Teacher
“Conversion is a very personal process. But it is also a national process. Habayta’s conversion courses provide personal attention, support and help throughout the entire process. Welcome home to Habayta!”
“Let me just say something about Rabbi Ben Admon. In 2019, I started my conversion process with Rabbi Ben Admon. Rabbi Ben Admon knows how to listen and is an amazing teacher. More specifically, he knows the mentality of people who seek to convert. He supported me all the way through with my conversion and he continues to help me to this day with all matters related to Judaism and my life as a Jew. All the best, Nathan”


Orthodox conversion is the only valid conversion according to Jewish law. The advantage of such a conversion process is that you can be confident that your conversion is legit and kosher, and will be recognized anywhere, including the State of Israel and the Ministry of the Interior.
The course is usually three-hour study sessions twice a week for 10 months. There is also the option of once a week for a year, depending on the group and the teacher.
We have been around since 2009 and have been working with repatriates, including conversions to Judaism, for many years. At present, we have numerous conversion courses in our communities in partnership with another association. In 2018, a joint project was launched together with the conversion department at the Prime Minister’s office, named “Community Supported Conversion” and in 2021 we were asked by the conversion department to open conversion courses independently as well.
Basically no. We want to see and get to know you in person. However, COVID 19 has made this requirement somewhat more flexible and we’ll consider any request.
Classes are held in the native language of the students and at their request. At present, there are classes taught in five languages.
Yes, your spouse must attend the classes – a prerequisite of the rabbinate. This is also important for the success of your process. The rabbinate sees it favorably when both spouses are committed to the process. Spouses are considered as students of the course.

They are one and the same. It is a process of conversion to Judaism that is eventually recognized by the Israeli authorities, such as the Chief Rabbinate, the Ministry of the Interior and more. Undergoing a conversion process with us means being eventually recognized as Jewish for all intents and purposes. The studying is done with us while the actual conversion is done at the dedicate courts of conversion of the Chief Rabbinate. Some also call this “state conversion”. The only important factor is the difference between such a conversion procedure and privately performed conversions, which are often not recognized by the State of Israel.

There are four main steps

  1. Enrolling, finding a suitable course in your area of residence and starting your studies.
  2. Opening a new conversion file and attending the first meeting with the rabbinate held about two months after the beginning of the course.
  3. A second meeting after a few months – meeting with the district coordinator of the rabbinate for an interim interview and a review of your conversion file.
  4. Last meeting at the rabbinate
    Once the course is concluded, a concluding discussion will be held with a panel of rabbis, and following the successful completion of the process, a date will be set for a ceremonial bathing in the mikvah.
Only Israeli citizens with an Israeli ID or people who have written approval from the Exceptions Committee in the conversion department.

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